Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Alumni Spotlight with Arthur Green

Where were you born?

I was born in Whitbourne, NL.

What is your current job and list some things you like about it?

I am the Alberta Legislative reporter for the Western Standard and Alberta Report based in the Edmonton Bureau. I am an award-winning journalist and part of the press gallery in the legislature. Dreams begin at CNA, I’m living proof! Everyday is different. I like following the Premier of Alberta around and reporting history as it happens. 

How does it relate to your diploma or certificate?

I graduated from the first class of Jonathan Crowe. He taught me the skills I needed to succeed. Special mention to Frank and Anthony Germain for always believing in me. I watched the news since I was five years old and then I got to work with people who were my idols. Shoutout to Here & Now’s Debbie Cooper!!!

What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your lifetime?

Getting though the CNA program. This isn’t some easy class you can sleep through. If you don’t work, you won’t pass. I worked while going to school driving a taxi. I went to school from 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m. and worked from 4:30 p.m. till 5 a.m. every day for three years. When someone says you can’t do something, prove them wrong. I have spent the last six years of my career showing people I can do this cause I can. I graduated from one of the best programs in Canada, as far as I’m concerned.

What’s your favourite place in the world?

I’ve been through 26 countries in the world. But I’m gonna say my favourite place is … you guessed it … Alberta! The mountains are vast, the economy is growing, and Albertans are one of the strongest people I have met in Canada. It’s also the second home of many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, like me. A lot of my high-school friends live here. I met my fiancé here. I’m never leaving!! Venice, Italy and Barcelona, Spain are nice, but that “ain’t got nothing” on the backwoods and the mountains in Alberta. Being a professional photographer, another skill I learned at CNA, I’m able to capture the vast wilderness and wildlife. Life is once forever and this just feels like home now.

Can you describe an experience that changed your life?

I would have to say taking the program at CNA was the best thing I ever did in my life for myself. And I got though it myself. No breaks from teachers, faced personal adversity every day at every turn while in college. I didn’t let them stop me and still came out on top because I didn’t give up on myself. My class became a family during our program – 28 started and seven of us graduated.

What’s your favourite movie or book?

Dazed and Confused… and my favourite book is The Bible. I know you might laugh, but I really didn’t believe in the Lord before I started journalism and my journey to help people in Canada. Now the Lord guides me every day.

Is your current career path as you originally intended?

I said I wanted to be one of the most read journalists in Canada. That dream is coming true. I always tell people I work for them; the Western Standard just pays me. I quit from seven companies in my career so far … My current employer is where I belong.

What challenges did you face in launching your career?

I had challenges with an instructor (I would prefer to not name them) who didn’t believe I was equipped to pursue Journalism. Boy, did I prove them wrong! I now get over five million views a month sometimes on social media.

What advice would you give to your CNA first-year self?

Never give up!! I have to admit every time I use my pass to open the gate at the Alberta legislature, I thank the Lord for this life. He gave me this life because I am strong enough to live it. Never give up on your dreams! Your carded gate is just around the corner. Believe in yourself, do the work, and never look back. Then reach for the stars, It was a long road to get here. I remember the sleepless nights hoping someday I would become someone. The truth is I was always someone and you are too! You can’t beat the person who refuses to give up. That’s me, that’s my journalism life.


  1. Great achievements in your life Arthur.
    Keep reaching for your top goal in life and always keep believing!
    All the best in your future career!


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